Riding Mill
Village Halls
Pot Luck Lunch
Pot Luck Lunch is a ‘bring and share’ meal. Participants are invited to contribute a main course or a dessert - of their own choice - for 4 - 6 people. We meet once a month at 12 noon (except July and August) in the Parish Hall, usually on the second or third Tuesday. The date will be in the Parish News.
The only stipulation is to let Christine or Anne know by the preceding Sunday whether you are coming and whether you will be bringing a main course or a sweet. If people are unable to bring either, then they are asked to pay £7.00.
We always welcome volunteers to help set up and clear away.
The lunches are very sociable occasions with around 36 people at each lunch. Food has ranged from lamb and aubergine hot pot, and lasagne to fish pie, lemon chicken, and vegetarian choices. The variety is never-ending and always delicious.
On average we have raised £80 per session from people paying for meals and the money goes to support the Village Halls Trust.
Hope to see you there!
We are always looking for volunteers to help us continue this service.
If you would like to join us, please contact
Christine Andersen 01434 682535 or
Anne Lawrence 01434 682351.
Email Christine chrisandkris535@gmail.com
Email Anne aanddlawrence@gmail.com
Christine Andersen